Sunday 19 July 2020

Deep Learning Network explanation

I prefer to read the scientific paper a lot, But here is the blog which I refer to anyone who is interested.
The blog provides the following.
1. Working
2. Architecture
3. References

Blogger : swethatanamala very good explanation of Deep learning network.



Tuesday 30 June 2020

Start with computer vision

Basic to start with computer vision.

1. "Computer Vision: A Modern Approach"
2. "Computer Vision: A Modern Approach"

Credit: wlouyang

I would like to appreciate Mr wlouyang for sharing basic knowledge to kick start in computer vision.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

check shape of array in numpy and tensorflow

Numpy : its a python module/package to perform scientific computation on arrays.

How to install numpy package in anaconda

>> pip install  numpy


>> conda install numpy

To check if numpy package is  installed or not use

>> conda list
output :
>> numpy                     1.14.2

Once the package is installed you can import into you application

ex : import numpy

Basic numpy operation on Array :

>>> input = np.array([[1,2,3],[2,3,4]])
>>> input.shape
>>> (2, 3)

Ex : In digit recognition using tensorflow we can get shape

import tensorflow as tf
mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist
import numpy as np
print( tf.__version__)
(x_train, y_train),(x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()

>> (60000, 28, 28)
print( x_train[0].shape)
>> (28, 28) 

Note :
1. Tensorflow | keras| framework is used.
2. Mnist database for digit recognition

Sunday 28 October 2018

Recreational Music Making (RMM) for Working Adults

Recreational Music Making (RMM) has been scientifically proven to help the U.S. workplace by:
Reducing employee stress
Reducing employee depression
Reducing employee burnout
Improving employee retention
  • Employee stress is expensive for companies and widespread. Research shows that the economic impact is estimated at $300 billion each year (Source: New York Times). Experts claim that 60 to 90 percent of doctor visits involve stress-related complaints.
  • Engaging in RMM reduces stress. RMM has been shown to reverse the body’s response to stress at the DNA level (Source: Dr. Barry Bittman).
  • Depression is widespread in the workforce and is expensive for companies. The economic impact of depression in the workplace is estimated at $34 billion annually—$11 billion for treatment, $11 billion in decreased productivity, and $12 billion in absenteeism. Depression affects about 19 million people, 70 percent of whom are in the workforce. (Figures are according to Braun Consulting News).
  • Engaging in RMM reduces depression. Recent research with long-term care workers showed reduced depression (21.8 percent) six weeks after the completion of an RMM program consisting of one hour per week. (Source: A 2003 study conducted by Trip Umbach Healthcare Consulting, Inc.)
  • RMM can help companies reduce turnover, saving them millions. The research with long-term care workers showed an 18.3 percent overall reduction of employee turnover by implementing an RMM program. The total annual savings was projected at $1.46 billion.
Every worker can participate in RMM. There are no physical limitations or requirements.

OpenCV - cannot find module cv2

Solution :

Step 1 :
$ conda update anaconda-navigator
$ conda update navigator-updater

Step 2:
$ pip install opencv-python


conda install opencv

Ref: StackOVerflow

Note : The above solution is tried on ubuntu 14.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Machine learning

Start the course with  following list of Lectures.

1. Machine Learning | Andrew Ng

2. cs321n 

Monday 24 April 2017

Set font style in a table for a row. in apache poi

XWPFTable table = document.createTable();
XWPFTableRow row = table.insertNewTableRow(0);
XWPFRun run = row.addNewTableCell().addParagraph().createRun();
run.setBold(true);run.setText("Your Text");

ref : how-to-format-the-text-in-a-xwpftable-in-apache-poi